Education official promises to repay shortchanged teachers

A technical error caused 57 teachers in Oddar Meanchey province to be shortchanged when collecting overtime salaries, said an education official who promised the problem will be rectified by the end of May. A teachers’ union on Monday asked the Ministry of Education to address some $5,200 missing from six-months-worth of overtime wages for 17 teachers at Anlong Veng Primary School, claiming corrupt officials had stolen the money. But a provincial official said Wednesday that the problem affected a wider population of teachers. “We acknowledge that 57 teachers have a problem with their salaries across the whole province,” said Choeun Chhea, acting director of Oddar Meanchey’s education department. “We told the district education officials to demand back the excess salary and give the money back to [the teachers] this month.” …

Ben Sokhean